Career Preparation

First Year Student

Throughout a student's first year of college, they will begin to assess their interests, past expereince, and skills.  They will do this through their course work, involvement on campus, and interactions with others (friends, faculty, supervisors, etc...).

As a parent or family member, you can support your student though their first year exploration by supporting their interests, validating their strengths, discussing their course work, asking intentional questions (see How to Be Involved), supporting and encouraging involvement with campus activities, recommending students visit their college's career services office, and encouraging them to gain real-world experience (see Experiential Learning).

Career services offices offer many resources (e.g. career coaching, mock interviews, introducing them to electronic resources, assessment instruments, etc.) that can assist students with the beginning stages of their career exploration process.  


Third Year Student

During their third year students will declare their major.  It is important for students to test out their career options through internships, part-time jobs (on or off campus), volunteering, and getting involved on campus or in their community.  

You can support them with their career by:

  • Encouraging them to use all resources available to them on-campus.  Their college's career services office is a great place to start.  They can get help with their resume, cover letter, job search process, access to employers, information about graduate or professional school, and so much more...
  • Encourage, support and give welcomed advice.  Be sure you are not doing the work for them.  Learning to navigate one's own career is an important life skill to learn at this time in their life.