Carlson School of Management Student Life & Career Design

The Student Life and Career Design office supports Carlson undergraduate students at all points in their career development processes from their first days on campus all the way through post-graduation. Through classes, events, and individual coaching, the SLCD team helps students find their path and achieve their goals.

Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm | | 612-625-5174

Lisa Novack

Director of Student Life & Career Design

Pronouns: she/her

Advice for students
Figuring out what you want to major in or what path you want to pursue after college can be overwhelming. Career coaches can help you design a college and career experience that is meaningful to you, while bringing clarity and action oriented steps to the process! Meet with a coach early and often for assistance with uncovering your interests and developing strategies to reach your goals- no matter what career path, organization, or industry you are interested in.

Strengths (Top 5)
Achiever, Strategic, Individualization, Learner, and Empathy

Out of Work Obsessions
Outside of work, I spend lots of time with my family. Chai tea and ice cream are my favorite treats, and I like to Stand Up Paddle Board, run, read, and explore MN State Parks.


2-180 Hanson Hall