Pre-Health Student Resource Center

The Pre-Health Student Resource Center is a specialized career center that helps students explore health career options, build effective skills and prepare a well-rounded portfolio of experiences, and apply to health professional programs. We offer a variety of services such as credit-courses, global programs, drop-ins, career counselor appointments, workshops, fairs, and more.

Mondays & Wednesdays, 9:00am – 4:00pm (during the academic year) | | 612-624-6767

Tricia Todd


Best Words Of Advice For Students
This campus has so many useful resources, including the Pre Health Student Resource Center for any student interested in any health career to explore, prepare and apply to a health profession.

How did I become a career development professional?
A bit by accident. I worked in the field of Public Health for years, and part of my focus while doing that work was to help diversify the field of public health, and to run a leadership development program for emerging leaders. When I was recruited to the Pre-Health Student Resource Center it was a similar set of outcomes but focused on undergraduate students instead.

What’s one thing I would do if I were able to do it?
I would help students understand that going to another country and performing any health care as an unlicensed person (no degree as a health professional) is both unethical and illegal, and I would also argue grounded in a misguided sense of privilege. I want students to be Global Ambassadors for Patient Safety and to go abroad to study now, and later as a health professional go abroad to actually help through capacity building and learning from our colleagues abroad.

Out of Work Obsessions
Being outside and enjoying nature, on a bike, in a kayak, hiking, or just walking


2-565 Moos Tower