Resource List

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Handshake | 

Handshake is a career network for students, alumni, and employers with local, national, and international opportunities.

Maroon and Gold Network |

The Maroon and Gold Network powers purposeful, career-related connections for the University of Minnesota community. Private access to fellow students and alumni is just a couple clicks away.

MyCareerManagment |

A recommendation tool that suggests possible next steps students can take for their career preparation. 

Employer Survey Slidedeck |

Premade slides interpreting the 2022 Employer Survey data into text, graphs and graphics. Staff and faculty are welcome to use any slide, graph and/or graphic from this slidedeck in their own presentations. 

Handshake at the University of Minnesota Newsletter |

A monthly newsletter for student-facing staff or simply staff who want to know more about Handshake from the student perspective sent out by Career Services Administration.

UMN Acronyms and Abbreviations |

A list of Acronyms and Abbreviations used across the University of Minnesota.

Job Scam & Phishing Information |

Page about job scams which include common warning signs, what to do if you suspect a scam, and social media posts you can use.