Welcome to Recruiting at the University of Minnesota!

We are here to help you connect with our students and alumni.

About Us

With 5 different campuses, and many colleges on the Twin Cities Campus alone, our career services units operate in a decentralized cooperative model. We can help you determine which college or campus will best fit your recruiting needs. For those needing to recruit across colleges and campuses, our career centers work together to make the experience as easy and productive as possible.  We also provide centralized tools for recruiting across all five of our campuses.

We work together to make recruiting easier.

Recruiting on Campus

This is the easiest and fastest way to reach the broadest audience of students. Learn more and post positions.

Make sure to note our policies for posting to Handshake.

Fairs are typically hosted in the fall and spring. We have both large, general career fairs, and specialized fairs by field(s). See our career fair calendar for a schedule and login to Handshake to register.

We have multiple interview centers on campus as well as a virtual option for interviewing students. They are all free of charge.

*On campus interviews are reserved for full-time positions that require a bachelor’s degree and for internships that require students to be working toward a bachelor’s degree.

How to Request an Interview

Request and manage an interview schedule by creating an account on Handshake and clicking on “Request an Interview.” Employer relations/engagement staff will be in touch to coordinate details after the request is received.

We suggest submitting requests early, especially during our busy recruiting seasons in the fall and spring, and checking our academic calendar to avoid selecting dates during breaks.

There are many ways to engage on campus to build awareness of your organization either through Handshake and/or with the help of an employer relations staff member:

  1. Through Handshake
    • Attend networking events – search and register through Handshake
    • Host an information session virtually or on-campus – create an event on Handshake and a staff member will follow-up if you would like to come to campus
  2. With the help of employer relations staff members
    • Set up site visit
    • Volunteer for a classroom panel discussion
    • Mentor students
    • Present to or co-host an event with a student organization

Tips for Engaging Students

  • Write complete and easy to read position descriptions using these posting tips. Each position ought to have an official position title rather than a buzzword-filled advertisement and/or pay rate.
  • Pay special attention to the job roles and qualifications associated with your posting in Handshake, these drive whether your job will show up in search results and feeds for students and alumni. You can set broad qualifications, but we recommend avoiding ‘all majors’ and ‘all years.’
  • Make postings accessible by including headings and bullet points to separate information, making the post easier to read.
  • Make special note of inclusive benefits (parental leave policies, partner benefits, affinity groups, etc.).
  • Consider hosting interviews or virtual chats through Handshake. Interviews can be conducted virtually through the Handshake interface or on-campus.

Salary Information

Ready to hire, but not sure what salary to offer? There are a number of resources to help you get an idea of typical salary ranges based on the type of position, desired qualifications, type of organization (private, government, non-profit, etc), and geographic region:

There is also a data-based publication for purchase: National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Salary Survey

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in Recruiting

One way to help attract a more diverse pool of talented applicants can be by revising your position descriptions. See our diversity recruitment tips (PDF) for suggestions.

With an increasingly diverse market, hiring a diverse team will help businesses maintain and/or surpass their present success during the projected demographic shifts:

It is great that you are looking for a diverse talent pool. Here are a few questions to help you get started:

  • How does your organization define diversity?
  • What kind of diversity recruitment strategies has your organization implemented thus far? What has worked well for you?
  • Employee retention of diverse talent is often an area of concern for many employers, what is your organization doing to contribute to employee satisfaction and promotion of an inclusive environment? Employee Resource Groups, Diversity and Inclusion Training?

Share your organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion statement with potential candidates. Statements will be shared with students.

Contact us. Fill out this contact request form and list ‘DEI recruitment strategies’ under ‘What is your question or comment?’

Featured Articles

Handshake Data Dashboard

University of Minnesota Career Services Data

We have compiled datasets from Handshake to show themes in recruiting and student job searching behavior.

The data is presented in story boards via Tableau. You do not need an account to view the information.

If …

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Comprehensive military-to-civilian recruiting company that connects the military community to employment opportunities.

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Career Resources

University of Minnesota Career Services Data

We have compiled datasets from Handshake to show themes in recruiting and student job searching behavior.

Courtesy of UMN Office of Human Resources