Duluth Career Center

All are Welcome! The UMD Career Center helps undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni from all majors and backgrounds to connect their learning to career and life. We help you explore majors & interests, engage with employers & opportunities, and design your educational & career roadmap. We are here to help!

Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4 pm | career.d.umn.edu
carserv@d.umn.edu | 218-726-7985

Jill Kolodzne

Career Center Director

Strengths: Relator, Individualization, Arranger, Learner, Developer

How did you gain experience when you were a student?
As a history and recreation double major, I spent a summer as camp counselor, 3M HR intern, and the 10 months after college as an SCA AmeriCorps member. I also was the volunteer coordinator for our Therapuetic Recreation & Recreation (TRREC) student club, played intramural basketball & flag football, worked on campus as a senior water aerobics instructor and life guard, and was a Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society member.

Advice for Students
Have fun! Be safe. Challenge yourself. Do the hard things. Ask questions. Step outside your comfort zone. Ask for help!


22 Solon Campus Center